Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Truth: Swine Flu Vaccine Information

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Ten important questions authorities and doctors will not answer about the swine flu vaccine and many other vaccines. Why? Is there a reason they will not answer these questions?

When it's time, the choice is your whether or not you take the Swine Flu Vaccine. We hop after this video you will have a better understanding of why you should avoid the vaccine at all costs.

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Truth Trailer: Zeitgeist Final Cut

Here is the final cut brought to you by the Collective Evolution Team. Check it out!


Trailer for the movie Zeitgeist. Very informative perspective on the world and its many facets. If you haven't checked it out please do so.

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Truth Vid Blog

Sunday, October 18, 2009

In the past, most that I shared this information with did not take it so kindly and were lead to being very defensive. Perhaps it was my approach at the time, I was vibing something different. But I share this now with a clear mind and heart, and I truly feel that most can now see the TRUTH behind this system. We have woken up over the years since I started talking about this, and there is so much thought of this out into the collective matrix that it can be accessed by anyone who is ready. I think for this reason, we are starting to see right through this system of “education”

The idea of educating people is great, but then again what is “education?” If we were to look at what has been created as “education,” we can now see it isn’t “education” as much as it is conditioning. Most can readily admit this and some will very soon, our world is not governed by what we think are “elected” higher ups. This is but a show for what really goes on so as to keep people thinking they have some power. That being said, in order to keep us from thinking for ourselves and figuring these things out, they have created our education system. They have filled it with useless and often times false information that doesn’t serve us very much. I will let you watch the David Icke video at the end of this post to keep the post shorter.

We have given so much power and authority to “educated” people. They get better jobs, make more money, become our doctors and teachers etc. Do you notice how the one’s that think for themselves and don’t go through this system are punished? Is that fair? Most of the brilliant inventors from our past never step foot in a school or university, so we know intelligence has nothing to do with our education system. So why is it there? I would like to keep this post constructive, so let’s have the lesson from all this.

The system, whatever it may be, is in fact perfection. Why? How? Because the dark forces who have created and implemented it have aided us in our evolution as a collective and they have given us a system to examine so we can understand the duality we have been experiencing. There is no right or wrong or better or worse for those who have gone to school or not, this has only been created by the dark forces to instill fear. Everyone has a different experience. Everyone has the very same choice to open up and look at what we have from all angles. If they do, great. If they don’t, great. And hey, at least we will have some buildings to use when this system falls and real education is needed : )

Truth Vid Blog

Friday, October 16, 2009

Truth: Ego

This is a great video that outlines beautifully what the ego is like and how it plays a role in our experience. Watch as the actor plays out the role of discovering he is not his ego and is able to overcome all fear by turning his back on his ego.

The observations of the contributors that follows after the scene from the movie raise some very interesting points we can all observe in ourselves. The first step is recognizing that there are two "pieces" in our heads, The Mind and and Ego. Once we have come to this realization we can begin to discern them from one another. What follows is a process that brings our level of consciousness beyond what we have ever experienced.


Truth Vid Blog

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Truth: Gerald Celente "The Dollar is Finished"

Director of Trends Research Institute Gerald Celente talks more about the current economy and where it is inevitably headed. As we see with the value of the US dollar, the US economy is in big trouble and its trouble they will not be able to come back from. The rest of the world is well aware that this currency will collapse and its only a matter of time. Celente mentions that people should be "worried," but when you truly think about it we are simply giving value to paper at this point and when the dollar collapses many of the world currencies will go with it. After that many think we will move to gold and silver. The issue with that is that is exactly what we have now, putting value to something that is essentially valueless. We create the value of it. This is a ridiculous system when you truly think about it. As a collective we need to think about evolving into a system that makes more sense and doesn't rest basic survival on the attainment of money. Anything above and beyond basic survival can be achieved by doing something you love, but why do something you hate just to survive? Does not make sense.

Truth Vid Blog

Monday, October 12, 2009

Truth: Allan Grayson questions Bernanke

Truth: The federal reserve is a private banking institution who has been and continue to create money out of thin air. The illegitimacy of their actions is coming to light amongst the collective and this private bank is on very thin ice. Watch as Allen Grayson questions Ben Bernanke on what happened to a large sum of money that seems to have gone to foreign banks but Bernanke refuses and will not share which banks the money has gone to. Why could this be? What reason would there be to not make the information available to the public? What are they hiding?

Truth Vid Blog

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cops Destroy Peaceful Gathering. LRAD

Truth: The police force has been used a lot as of late in terms of controlling the public from complete peaceful protest. The issue is not so much that cops are doing their jobs, but they are doing something that is completely against free will and human rights. They have been brainwashed and convinced that they should be doing what they are doing. They do not know who they are working for and who they are protecting. The agenda of those who they work for is not very positive and it troubles me to think that they do not see what thy are doing, and if they do see, why are they still doing it?
I think there will come a time when they cops are going to have to look at what they did and explain why they did it. Explain to their friends, families and children. They will have no one to blame except their own limited beliefs at the time.
The next few months are going to become very interesting.

Check out this video and see what you think of it. Why are they acting like this? what is going on in their minds?

Truth Vid Blog